KENKOFOTO started as the counterpart to my video and motion design work. I laid out a few rules for myself at the start of what would be my photo-a-day project I started in 2012: at least one photo a day for a year, no sunsets, no landmarks (especially the locally famous ones) and portrait aspect only. I shot for a few days that January, then missed a day in the first few weeks and gave up. I thought about what I wanted to accomplish and went back out a couple of days later. 7 years and thousands of photos later I still shoot daily and post to my blog: kenkofoto.tumblr.com
This work serves as a personal diary of these past years, and is a reminder of where I've been and offers some clues to where I'm going. I consider all these images as experiments, matching photography and graphic design, coupled with a soundtrack of the music I love. Most captions and titles are references to songs and lyrics that appeared to me while these images were being created.